Thursday, July 4, 2013


I'm a Real Boy!

So my journey continues on to Disney's marvelous masterpiece Pinocchio! Released in 1940, Pinocchio was  a smash hit. With its mixture of fun, charm, excitement, and thrill it dazzled audiences everywhere. Pinocchio won 2 Academy Award for Best Original Score and Best Original Song for "When You Wish Upon A Star". This was a first for an animated film and did not happen again for a full length animated movie until The Little Mermaid in 1989. Almost 50 years later. It is still rated as one of the best 25 animated films of all time and has 100% approval rating of Rotten Tomatoes. All this has turned this film into a Disney legend with the award winning song becoming the studio's classic theme music and the Blue Fairy's star being featured in many films to come. Truly a fantastic movie.

What I love about this film is that it takes everything that Disney saw flawed in Snow White and Seven Dwarfs and improves it. It is amazing that in such a little time frame Disney Studios could improve SO MUCH. Just as I did for the last film I will review by describing the plot, characters, animation, and the songs/music with my ideas and opinions in the mix. Lets go!

Plot - The plot of this film greatly improves from Snow White. Granted they had a full-length book to work with rather than a short story which would have help increase their story ideas. So the movie begins with those fantastic Disney pre-movie credits as the song "When You Wish Upon a Star" plays in the background. We first see Jiminy Cricket standing above a book labeled "Pinocchio", he begins to tell the story. He takes us back to when he was a poor cricket sneaking into a house for some warmth from the cold. It is revealed that this is Mister Geppetto's house. He is a woodcarver and the house is full of cuckoo clocks and wooden object. We then meet his sassy kitten, Figaro, and even more sassy goldfish, Cleo. Geppetto has made a wooden marionette of a little boy who he names Pinocchio. He seems to care for it deeply. He wishes on a star to make this puppet a real child. That night when all are sleeping The Blue Fairy appears and grants Geppetto's wish. Pinocchio becomes a living puppet and the Blue Fairy tells him that if he wants to ever become a real boy he must prove that he is truthful, selfless, and brave. She assigns Jiminy Cricket to help Pinocchio on this mission and he become's Pinocchio's conscience. Geppetto wakes and to his joy discovers his Pinocchio is alive! The next he sends Pinocchio off to school. On the way there Pinocchio runs into two anthropomorphic characters. A fox named Honest John and a cat named Gideon. They see he is a puppet and convinces him to join a puppet show, saying he will be a star. Pinocchio agrees and is off to Stromboli's Marionette Show! Pinocchio is a hit in the show so Stromboli basically kidnaps him and traps him in his wagon. The Blue Fairy appears and asks Pinocchio what happened, he lies and his nose grows because of it. She gives him one more chance and helps him escape from Stromboli. Pinocchio, aided with Jiminy Cricket, attempts to return home. Of course, he runs into Gideon and Honest John again who convince him to go to Pleasure Island where he can always have fun and do whatever he wants. Pinocchio arrives at Pleasure Island befriend a naughty boy named Lampwick. Jiminy follows in pursuit and discover the Coachman, who runs Pleasure Island, is turning the boys into donkeys. He runs to warn Pinocchio as his friend Lampwick completely transforms into a donkey. Pinocchio and Jiminy escape the island but not before Pinocchio grows donkey ears and a tail. They return home to discover that Geppetto left (with Figaro and Cleo) to find Pinocchio and got swallowed by a whale named Monstro. Pinocchio, determined to find his father, dives into the ocean with a rock attached to him to find this Monstro. When he finds him he is swallowed and joins his father. He devises an escape plan by lighting wood on fire within the monsters belly to make the monster cough them up. They escape and wash up upon shore. Pinocchio is passed out, presumed dead (that happens often in these movies). Geppetto, heart broken, returns home with his dead wooden son. He lays him on his bed and Pinocchio transforms into a real boy for he was finally selfless, brave, and truthful. And of course, they live happily ever after. 

An exciting plot with fun moments! Lots of scenery. Enjoyable.

Overall Opinions
Storyline - This plot line was much more enjoyable than Snow White. A times it feels like: Pinocchio does something wrong, Blue Fairy fixes it, repeat. But not enough to really annoy you. Overall its a well developed storyline and enjoyable to watch. Not much to say on it.


Pinocchio - A solid main character. He is pretty naive and believes everything hes told. It makes perfect sense for he was JUST brought into the world. He is not my favorite character ever though he gets better when he gets all tough at the end. 
Jiminy Cricket - GREAT CHARACTER. Fun, smart, clever, goofy, charming, adorable. He has everything you need to make a solid, enjoyable character. Plus a great singing voice. He was voiced Cliff Edwards, which marked the first time animated movies hired celebrities to voice their characters. Jiminy Cricket has a little creep status though he seems to hit on anything that looks womanly. 
Geppetto - Goofy and cute. Sweet old man status here. He is fun. Not the biggest fan of the voice actor. But the character is solid.
The Blue Fairy - Stunning and lovely. Great look. Only thing that bothered me is that she is a way differently animated compared to the other characters. Love that the "fairy" was full sized human. Very, very Glinda like. Love the lady that voices her. She has this great lower toned womanly voice. It's a shame we didn't get to hear a song out of her.
Figaro - HILARIOUS. I adore this sassy cat. I am sorry to say but this is hands down my favorite character of the film. His design and expressions are almost too much to handle. Plus, HE'S ADORABLE. 
Cleo - Fun. :) Love her lips and eyelashes
Honest John - Interesting that he isn't a human but rather a fox. It is interesting to think if maybe he is a representation of "temptation" in Pinocchio's mind which is why he is an animal. 
Gideon - Goofy. Always seems like he is drunk. But adorable. Stupid henchman status here.
Stromboli - Sounds like a pasta. Don't like him. He moves weird in my opinion and the yelling in Italian is just distracting. Not a fan of this Disney Villain.
The Coachman - Improvement in the villain status. He has a fantastic scary laugh and looks scary. The whip is menacing. What does he need all those donkeys for though?
Monstro - Classy. Love this guy. Great "villain" huge and intimidating yet hilariously large. Would love to have a chance to actually battle him in Kingdom Hearts, other than just chilling in his stomach (nerd moments).

Animation - I adore the animation in this film. Extremely well done. I'll touch on a few of my favorite moments. First the wide scale backgrounds of course! Like in every Disney movie it looks completely stunning. The pan of the village at the beginning of the films is gorgeous. I love later then they do an effect when Pinocchio looks in the fishbowl at Cleo. The lightning and rain usage in this film is also brilliant. The scenes underwater are stunning along with the image of Monstro laying on the ocean floor. I'd buy a shirt with that on it.

Overall the animation is fantastic. No surprise there.

Songs/Music - The songs in this film were written by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington while the score was composed by Leigh Harline and Paul J. Smith. The songs have a way different style than Snow White they seem more modern and fun. I thoroughly enjoy the majority of the songs in this film although some are pretty forgettable. Lets look at them 1 by 1:

1. "When You Wish Upon a Star" - FANTASTIC. Won an Oscar for a reason. A gorgeous song sung gorgeously. Nailed it. Obviously the best song in the film.
2. "Little Wooden Head" - 
3. "Give a Little Whistle" - I really love this song. 2nd favorite. Fun! 
4. "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee (An Actor's Life For Me)" - Alright. More of a transition song.
5. "I've Got Not Strings" - Really fun song. Use to be my favorite as a kid. Now it is a little lackluster.
6. "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee (An Actor's Life For Me)(Reprise)" - Simple. Same as before.
7. "When You Wish Upon a Star (Reprise)" - Beautiful closing. So Good.

So good. These songs (for the most part) makes me happy.

Favorite Character - Figaro
Favorite Song - "When You Wish Upon a Star"
Favorite Animated Sequence - Underwater scene with Pinocchio
Favorite Voice Actor - Cliff Edwards (Jiminy Cricket)


Perfect 5! Even though Snow White was the first full length animated film this film really created modern film animation. Revolutionary in visual and effects Pinocchio is still a delight 70 years after its release. 

NEXT UP! Disney's Fantasia! 

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Last night I began my journey with Walt Disney's first full length animated feature: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I am trying to figure out how I am going to organize my thoughts about these films when I write. For this review I will write about the plot, my opinions, characters, animation, my favorite and least favorite parts, and songs/music of the movie.

Not much happens in this film, therefore the plot is pretty simple.The movie begins with the classic pre-movie Disney credits and then a story book appears. There are world on the page that we are expected to read for there is no narrator. This storybook introduces us to the plot. We see the Evil Queen's castle and learn her concerns about being "the fairest of them all". We meet Snow White, then the prince as they first meet. The Queen then finds that Snow White is more fair than she as reported by the magic mirror. A huntsman is summoned by the Queen to take Snow White into the woods, murder her, and bring back her heart as proof that the deed was done. The huntsman in turn lets Snow White go and returns with a pig's heart. Snow White runs away, terrified, until she meets a herd of woodland creatures. They help her find a small cottage in the woods (and clean it). The audience is then introduced to the dwarfs as they mine for diamonds. Snow White ends up meeting the dwarfs and befriending them as she is squatting in their cottage. We go back to the Queen who discovers that Snow White is alive. She devises a plan to poison her by disguising herself as an old hag and offering her a poison apple. There is then an extremely cool transformation scene. Back to the cottage Snow White continues to enjoy the company of the Dwarfs until bedtime. The next morning the Dwarfs head off to the mines and the old hag/Evil Queen comes to cottage and gets Snow White to eat the poison apple. Snow White immediately falls to the floor and presumed dead. The Dwarfs in anger chase the old hag/Evil Queen up a mountain where she eventually falls to her death. The Dwarfs encase Snow White in a glass coffin above ground for they can not bear to see her go. The Prince who Snow White met 70 minutes ago appears and kisses her. She awakes, they run off, and, of course, they lived happily ever after.

Pretty straight forward. No complex characters. A simple, lovely fairy-tale plot. 
Overall Opinions
I would have to say Snow White is not my favorite movie. Certainly it created milestones in the animation industry and basically completely changed it. Although the plot is simple and the characters pretty plan this film brought a whole new light to animation. It is truly a classic.

Storyline - The plot of this film erks me just a little. Frankly they stretch out a short story into 80 minutes without expanding the story, just stretching. There are many areas I find unnecessary, most of the side Dwarf events. Some parts drag on and on while others seem to quick. I want to explore the castle, see more of the Queen. What was the Prince up to? So many things that could be explored, but he movie spends the majority of the time focused on the Dwarfs. Which is great! Just not my thing.

Characters - The character are very, very plain. Although lovable they are not complex or very interesting. Lets look at them 1 by 1:

Snow White - The main "protagonist" of the film. I put protagonist in quote for Snow White does absolutely nothing against the antagonist, other than being pretty. Snow is sweet, kind, and lovely. She the type of girl that you just can not be mean to because she is TOO nice. I do not like much about Snow White. She is weak and vague, granted that is what the times of this movie called for, a strong woman was not a popular image in the late 1930s. I do love her character design, she looks great in every scene. The way she moves is extremely graceful. Despite her dumb, girly, and vague tendencies Snow White is a lovely and iconic character.

The Evil Queen - Two words: Freaking fierce. Officially as the first Disney Villian she rocks. I wish there was more development on her. The voice actress (Lucille La Verne - what a villainous name!) nails the fierceness that The Evil Queen requires. She hardly has any lines but she makes them all worthwhile and worthy of speaking. As the old hag she is still incredible. Hands down, favorite character in this film

The Dwarfs - Each unique enough to be regonizable. Designs well done as we do not confuse them as we watch the film. They include Happy, Doc, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Bashful, and Dopey. Dopey obviously the best, I'd say Bashful as a close second. Love that guy. As a group they can be hilarious. The comic relief of the movie

The Prince - All he does is sing a few lines. SO BORING. No character what so ever. Practically an object. I have no idea what Snow White sees in him.

The Magic Mirror - Stoic and magical. Love it. It would be interesting to see him developed but I believe the character does it's job.

The Huntsman - I think he looks super creepy. Like homeless man creepy. Simple character, does his job. Always wondered what the Queen did to him after she found out he didn't kill Snow White. Underdeveloped, but not upset about it.

Woodland Creatures - There are SO many little animals. I love it. They are adorable and fun. Sometimes I feel like they have the most interesting expressions and characterizations. Love em. 

Animation - There are some very, very pretty images in this film. The animation does not seem to be that revolutionary compared to some of the old cartoon shorts but there are specific instances that are fantastic and really stick out. The first one I noticed was the ripples in the well when Snow White is singing "I'm Wishing" it is beautiful and smart. Her voice creates this little ripples and makes you really believe that this cartoon is singing. The next part of animation I loved in this movie is definitely, DEFINITELY, the transformation scene with the The Evil Queen. When she begins to start transforming after consuming her magic potion the animation gives the illusion of a camera spinning and the colors and scales used are gorgeous and super awesome. You see her hands transform before your eyes! I love it! Next of my animation favorites of this movie would be the backdrops in general. I love them. They seemed to work really hard on them for they are gorgeous. The forest, the castle, the cottage, the trees, they are all gorgeous, like paintings. 

< Like how pretty is that! Adore it. Adore. It. 
 Next, I love the sparkles of the diamonds in the mine. I can just imagine a little 5 year old in 1939 just MARVELING at that. Good stuff. My last 2 favorite animation moments would have to be when Snow White's hand rolls out behind the table after eating the poison apple. So pretty and haunting. And finally the chase scene with the beautiful rain falling down as the hag hobbles up the mountain. It is awfully exciting! 

Overall, I enjoy the animation in this movie. There are some extremely beautiful scenes and images. This film has some truly iconic moment in animation and deserves a roaring applause for doing so.

Songs/Music - The creation of the Disney full-length movie musical! So exciting! The score of this film features 24 original tracks composed by Paul J. Smith, Albert Hay Malotte, and Milt Franklyn. 11 songs were featured in the movie. The songs in this film are fun and effective. Some people despise Snow White's voice (Adriana Caselotti) I actually enjoy it! It created the soft, gentle princess stereotype. Her voice is so fragile and, in my opinion, enjoyable and pleasant. The music in the film is very melodramatic and fits the drama happening. Super accurate for its time and reminds me of the live action movie in the 1930s. Sometimes it gets to be a little much but it just isn't a sound or style my ear is use to. It is extremely well done and well timed. Here is a list of the songs in the film and little comment for each:
1. "I'm Wishing" - Stellar, great introduction to the type of music in this films. Also lets you know how dumb and just plain happy Snow White is. Which isn't a bad thing. 
2. "One Song" - The Prince has a beautiful voice. But this is the only thing he sings (or even does in the film) which is disappointing. Pleasant to listen to.
3."With a Smile and a Song" - Pretty. Enjoy this one. Strange that Snow's ADD self goes from absolute panic/fear to happy song-singing. It's a skill I guess.
4. "Whistle as You Work" - SO FUN! I love this sequence! Although it supports stereotypical gender roles and sexism it is so fun! But really Disney? A woman finds a dirty house and HAS TO clean it for the men/children that live there? Let's calm down here. I do love how the animals try to cheat clean (sweep dirt under carpet, licking the dishes clean) and Snow will not have it! Hilarious. 
5. "Heigh-ho" - Great Song! GREAT SONG! Fantastic intro to the Dwarfs. Also great lyrics, "We don't know what we dig them for but we dig, dig, digga, dug, dig". Love it. It's like someone was like "Why are they gather diamonds?" and Disney was like, "No idea, lets make that a joke in their song!". I like to fantasize about Disney's creative process.
6. "Bluddle-Udlle-Um-Dum (Dwarf Washing Song)" - Fun. I believe complete unnecessary for the plot. But as a child I remember LOVING when they washed Grumpy. Great song for children.
7. "The Dwarfs Yodeling Song (The Silly Song)" - Another fun unnecessary song. But fun. 
8. "Someday My Prince Will Come" - THE song of the film. Most people in world can recognize this tune or at least the phrase. That is how iconic it is. I would have to say that this is my favorite song. It sounds so sweet and beautiful and was the start of one of my favorite things: Disney Princess Songs. Love them. 
9. "Heigh-ho (Reprise)" - Self explanatory. 
10. "One Song (Reprise)" - Oh look! The Prince is back! 
11. Someday My Prince Will Come (Reprise)" - Lovely, classic, beautiful Disney ending

Overall, the songs work great and help form this Disney classic and Disney movies to come. I approve. 


Favorite Character: The Evil Queen
Favorite Song: "Someday My Prince Will Come"
Favorite Animation Sequence: The Evil Queen's transformation scene
Favorite Voice Actor: Adriana Caselotti (Snow White)


A perfect score of 5 Mickey ears! Although this movie is not my favorite, and honestly does not entertain me the entire way through, it is a classic. Without it Disney would have never came to be what we know it is today (and I'd have no other movies to watch!). So for that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs deserves 5 Mickey ears! 

NEXT UP! Disney's Pinocchio 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And It Begins.


My name is Adam. Although if you are reading this you probably know that. I doubt anyone who doesn't know me is going to start following this blog, but I don't know! Maybe one day I will be famous!

SO, what is this blog?

This blog is going to follow my journey as I watch, review, comment on, and rate all 52 full-length Disney animated features along with all 14 full-length Disney/Pixar animated features with a few special reviews and discoveries on the way. By the time I finish this journey more Disney and Pixar films will have been released. OF COURSE I will add those to the list and to my journey. I plan to do them in order, starting with Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and ending in their latest release Monsters University (this will change for several Disney movies are slated to come out soon, including Disney's Frozen this fall, AH!). My goal is to discovery new parts of films I have seen, discover new films I have not seen, and enjoy all of the magic Disney has to offer.

A little about me:

My name is Adam. I'm 19. I will be starting my Sophomore year in college at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. I am studying Theatre Arts Management. I am originally from Illinois. I love dogs. I am a vegetarian. And, of course, I LOVE DISNEY. Currently my favorite Disney movie is Disney's Pocahontas, although this changes weekly. I have never been to DisneyLand or DisneyWorld, it is one of my biggest dreams. I love animation and love watching films. I super stoked to document my opinions and ideas on these films!

This is me ----->

That pictures is a little more than a year old. I'd say I look older now. Well, I have a beard.

OKAY! So it begins. Below is the list of films I will watch, IN ORDER! I am not going to mix Pixar into this list but I am watching them by year.

1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
2. Pinocchio (1940)
3. Fantasia (1940)
4. Dumbo (1941)
5. Bambi (1942) 
6. Saludos Amigos (1942)
7. The Three Caballeros (1944)
8. Make Mine Music (1946)
9. Fun and Fancy Tree (1947)
10. Melody Time (1948)
11. The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
12. Cinderella (1950)
13. Alice in Wonderland (1951)
14. Peter Pan (1953)
15. Lady and the Tramp (1955)
16. Sleeping Beauty (1959)
17. One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
18. The Sword in the Stone (1963)
19. The Jungle Book (1967)
20. The Aristocats (1970)
21. Robin Hood (1973)
22. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)
23. The Rescuers (1977)
24. The Fox and the Hound (1981)
25. The Black Cauldron (1985)
26. The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
27. Oliver and Company (1988)
28. The Little Mermaid (1989)
29. The Rescuer's Down Under (1990)
30. Beauty and the Beast (1991) 
31. Aladdin (1992)
32. The Lion King (1994)
33. Pocahontas (1995)
34. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
35. Hercules (1997)
36. Mulan (1998)
37. Tarzan (1999)
38. Fantasia 2000 (1999)
39. Dinosaur (2000)
40. The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
41. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
42. Lilo & Stitch (2002)
43. Treasure Planet (2002)
44. Brother Bear (2003)
45. Home on the Range (2004)
46. Chicken Little (2005) 
47. Meet the Robinsons (2007)
48. Bolt (2008)
49. The Princess and the Frog (2009)
50. Tangled (2010)
51. Winnie the Pooh (2011)
52. Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

1. Toy Story (1995)
2. A Bug's Life (1998)
3. Toy Story 2 (1999)
4. Monsters Inc. (2001)
5. Finding Nemo (2003)
6. The Incredibles (2004)
7. Cars (2006)
8. Ratatouille (2007)
9. WALL-E (2008)
10. Up (2009)
11. Toy Story 3 (2010)
12. Cars 2 (2011)
13. Brave (2012)
14. Monsters University (2013)